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Advisory Team

Matthew Dilip

Assistant Vice President

“I've learnt that it takes childlike humility and curiosity to be successful on this remarkable journey of value discovery at WestBridge.“

  • Focus areas:
    • Consumer
    • Consumer-tech

About Matthew

Matthew is an Investment Associate at WestBridge Capital and works out of the Bengaluru office. He swears by the idiom of not resting on one’s laurels. His career trajectory certainly mirrors his beliefs. With start-ups, the stock market and financial technology being major areas of interest, Matthew is currently part of the consumer-tech incubation endeavors at WestBridge. He believes the future lies in scaling the start-up ecosystem in the country and is seeking to build an active role for himself towards this end.

Having done his schooling in Mumbai, he sojourned south to SRM, Chennai, to complete his engineering degree in electronics and communication. His first job was with the telecom giant, Verizon, as a Software Engineer. At Verizon he dabbled in different programming languages and data science projects for two years. With the epiphany that business and entrepreneurship was his cup of tea, Matthew proceeded to acquire an MBA from ISB. He then joined the e-commerce firm, Meesho, as Chief of Staff to their Chief Business Officer. Here, he piloted the business strategy office, mapping strategic planning and operations for teams spanning marketing, categories, products, and brands.

Outside of work, Mathew plays an entirely different tune, quite literally. He holds a diploma in music from Trinity College, London and is an accomplished pianist. Music gigs, board games and sports are his go-to ways to let his hair down.

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